Recent Development Progress

There are more than 30 individual projects currently underway across the Vertisan DeFi ecosystem. Following are recent development efforts; effectively a continuous 'status report' regarding all projects. The intent of this page is to provide high-level updates. The Changelog is intended to provide more granular updates about features, minor updates, and bug fixes.


Peer-to-Peer Trading is Live

#fractal #vtsn #vertisan #cryptocase

Sending Vertisan peer-to-peer went live today, which represents the birth of a fully functional digital money ecosystem. This is a major milestone in the evolution of decentralized finance and Crypto 2.0. Vertisan now provides equivalent functionality to bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, with the added utility and features unique to Vertisan.

Users are encouraged to try out the functionality while improvements are being made. Real-time network feedback, self-custody signing keys, and 2FA authorization upon send are being added soon.

completed by Satoshi

2025 Complete Reboot to Development Progress

#fractal #vtsn #cryptocase #swap

All previous development progress updates can be disregarded. They are from 2021 and 2022. It was a fledgling effort that was not continued due to a lack of time. A complete reboot of posting progress is happening now in 2025.

The development progress entries from previous years have been left for historical value only and don't reflect the current state of the ecosystem.

completed by James Vertisan a.k.a Satoshi

Fractal Technology Whitepaper is Live (2022)


The whitepaper that explains the magic of Fractal Technology is now live and available. The whitepaper has been kept under wraps for nearly a year. The impact of Fractal is profound, so excessive testing was completed prior to releasing the whitepaper and documentation.

completed by James Vertisan

Version 3.1 Hives are Live (2022)

#fractal #exchange #cryptocase

Version 3.1 of the data processing neurons, collectively known as 'Hives' are live and functioning. They have been in testing for the past two months.

completed by James Vertisan

Exchange updated to VCCX (2022)


The Vertisan Exchange is supposed to be a non-profit that exists to facilitate the needs of individuals holding Vertisan Coins and other cryptocurrencies. Since it's a non-profit, then technically the domain name should not end with ".com", because that is an indicator of a commercial organization. A non-profit should have a ".org" top level domain. As such, the Vertisan Exchange is now at the website address

completed by James Vertisan

Vertisan Exchange Website Updated (2022)


The exchange website was updated with multiple enhancements.

  • A random selection process was implemented to select sell orders for the home page.
  • The website was further optimized for mobile devices.
  • The build process was updated to provide a more granular view into individual assemblies and components.
  • More "About Us" information was added.
  • The new Vertisan Exchange logo was deployed to the website.
completed by James Vertisan

Fractal Object Models v3.2 are Live (2022)


The version 3.2 object models for Fractal are now live in production. The new models facilitate significant improvements to Fractal's processing speeds between Fractals.

completed by James Vertisan

Vertisan Exchange Sell Orders are Live (2022)


Sell orders are now live on the Vertisan Exchange. The sell orders provide the ability for holders of Vertisan Coin to offer them for sale. Completion of exchange transactions is still manual, but the exchange is fully functional and effective.

completed by James Vertisan

Vertisan Coin Website Update Published (2022)


Multiple updates were published for the Vertisan Coin website. Improvements were made to the website design, scaling for mobile devices, and responsive design. Significant middleware improvements were also deployed.

completed by James Vertisan

Technical Issue Resolved with Firewalls (2022)

#vertisancoin #exchange #cryptocase

There was a technical issue where the firewalls between the application servers and back-end data sources dropped all of their configuration rules. That was an issue that shouldn't happen because there are multiple firewalls and redundant routes. The anomaly was resolved by clearing all caches, purging all existing routes, and then pushing the rule-bases back onto the equipment. Testing has shown everything to be functioning normally.

completed by James Vertisan

More Vertisan Identity System Improvements (2021)


Significant progress and improvements were completed on business managers, stores, and validation:
• VertisanIdentityUserStore
• VertisanUserManager
• VertisanPasswordHasher
• VertisanIdentityUser
• VertisanPasswordValidator
• Localization for error messages

completed by James Vertisan

Extensive Work on Authentication and Authorization (2021)


Extensive work was done in the past several days on the data structures and data access implementation, which is used by the Vertisan Centralized Authorization system.
• Schemas were added and modified.
• Entity table structures were enhanced.
• Data modification timestamping was enhanced.
• VertisanUserManager was significantly expanded.
• Claims, roles, tokes, and logins validation was enhanced.

completed by James Vertisan

Exchange documentation, documentation, documentation (2021)


I needed to go back and thoroughly document the exchange website architecture, UI, CSS styling, JavaScript implementations, Sass, Gulp, and build process. Documentation needed to be done before moving forward with the next features release. If I get too far ahead without documentation, then I will forget everything that was created and introduce future technical debt.

completed by James Vertisan

Foundational Vecton Encryption website has been published (2021)


The foundational website for Vecton Encryption has been published. The website was finished with two rotating panels: one providing a few bullet points about Vecton and the second panel displays the Vecton shield logo. This is all that will be published for Vecton Encryption until after other ecosystem pieces have been deployed.

completed by James Vertisan

Achievement data entry process has been completed (2021)


The data entry forms have been completed to add, edit, and update development achievements. The data entry process is part of the administration tools. Also completed as part of the process are the data repositories and data access methods.

completed by James Vertisan

The Achievements reporting functionality has been completed (2021)

#VertisanWeb #VertisanCoin #ExchangeWeb #CryptocaseWeb

The entire reporting system to track and display recent development achievements has been completed. The first implementation is on the home page at A Recent Dev Achievements section has been added which provides details about recent work. The goal is to provide continuous feedback to users across all ecosystems about what is being completed.

completed by James Vertisan

Worked on Vecton website placeholder (2021)


Solidifed the Visual Studio project and all underlying C# coding.
Finalized the styles for the website.
Finalized the backgound image for the placeholder page.

completed by James Vertisan

Worked on achievements functionality (2021)


Created the functionality to list and add achievements (status reports) for the websites.

completed by James Vertisan
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